500+ Inspiring Life Status for Whatsapp & Instagram

Inspiring Life Status for Whatsapp & Instagram

Status on Life

Life is like a race, you keep on running. You try to get as fast as possible however, it is the special race , it’s a race against time , not everyone can run long time, some have many years left , some may have minutes , but the point is running as fast as you can before your time runs out. Find more than 500 status on life for whatsapp and captions for Instagram in this post.

Never give up. There is no such thing as an ending, just a new beginning.

I don’t want a perfect life. I want a happy life.

Future belongs to those who know how to wait.

Sometimes you have to lose the battle to win the war.

The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.

The sun is new every day.

To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance & confidence.

Let your faith be bigger than your fear.

Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.

Life is very difficult when we are true to everyone.

When things don’t add up in your life, start subtracting!

One beautiful life, with so many problems.

The most important thing to enjoy your life – to be happy – it’s all that matters.

Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.

Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called tomorrow.

It only takes one person to change your life: You.

Life is an art of drawing without an eraser.

Life is like photography. We develop from the negative.

Once you choose hope anything is possible.

Sometimes the wrong person teaches us the right lessons in life.

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in & day out.

Love yourself in people for your life is nothing without them.

I’ve learned if you love life, life will love you back sooner or later.

Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.

life status whatsapp

The less routine the more life.

Live life well and don’t forget to smile.

Live your life as you like!

You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life.

Life is better when you’re laughing.

Look up to the sky you’ll never find rainbows if you’re looking down.

Life stops when you stop dreaming. Hope ends when you stop believing.

Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.

Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.

Forget what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you.

Life is so much brighter when we focus on what truly matters.

The best revenge is living a successful, good life and just being happy.

It is not that how tragically we suffer; it is how miraculously we live.

The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can’t do.

The whole world runs on expectations.

Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.

Inspiring Life Status for Whatsapp

Life is too short. Don’t waste it reading MY WhatsApp status.

Every new day gives new things & there we create new memories.

The world is small and life is short. Spread smiles and share peace.

Each new day is another chance to change your life.

Use your smile to change the world. Don’t let the world change your smile.

A good life is a collection of happy moments.

Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.

Life is like a coin. You can spend it anytime you wish but you can spend it only once.

Nothing lasts forever but at least we got these memories.

Believing in you is the first secret to success.

Life is not a matter of milestones but of moments.

You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.

Every moment is a fresh beginning.

A smile is the shortest distance between two people.

If you are brave to say GOOD BYE, life will reward you with a new HELLO.

whatsapp status for life

One of the greatest diseases is to be nobody to anybody.

Life isn’t about getting and having, it’s about giving and being.

Never give up even when you stand alone.

Life is a game, play it!

Life is a collection of mistakes, you will never learn if you don’t make them.

Hope is the pillar that holds up the world. Hope is the dream of a waking man

One day your life will lash before your eyes, make sure it’s worth watching.

Life leaps like a geyser for those who drill through the rock of inertia.

Create your own style. Let it be unique for yourself & yet identifiable for others.

My life is my message.

Life is a sweet music, just play it.

A smiling face doesn’t always mean a smiling heart.

The best way to die is to live.

Dream it. Wish it. Do it.

No matter how hard we try, life will never be perfect.

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.

Live and let live.

Life is short, smile while you still have teeth.

Don’t live life to impress, but live life to express.

Silence is the most powerful scream.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

Your life does not get better by chance; it gets better by change.

Love in your heart brings life to your soul.

Don’t take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

Life has no Ctrl + Z

life status

Life goes on. With or without you.

Life is made of ever so many partings welded together.

Life is a beautiful struggle.

You change your life by changing your heart.

Nothing’s permanent, you just have to love it, while you still have it.

Life is never easy for those who dream.

Life is the flower for which love is the honey.

Remember it’s just a bad day, not a bad life.

Love the life you live, and live the life you love.

Aspire to inspire before we expire.

Life is always a matter of waiting for the right moment to act.

Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.

Inspiring Whatsapp Status about Life

Love is the master key that opens the gate of happiness.

You were given this life because you’re strong enough to live it.

Life is very precious, enjoy from your heart. Don’t wait for someone to make it tough.

Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing those you hold well.

You can’t start the new chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.

Silence speaks thousand words.

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.

Live beautifully and dream passionately.

There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.

Life is too short for a long story.

Life is about laughing and living.

Sometimes the answers are not meant to be found. You just have to believe.

Life is one time offer, use it well.

Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.

Every day is a second chance.

Life is short and it is up to you to make it sweet.

Don’t go through life, grow through life.

Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

Stop worrying about what you have to loose and start focusing on what you have to gain.

3 priceless things in life. Trust, loyalty and respect.

Awesome Life Caption for Instagram

It’s not about forcing happiness. It’s about not letting the sadness win.

You never find yourself until you face the truth.

When words fail, tears speak.

Love what you have before the life teaches you to love what you lost!

Things change, and friends leave. Life doesn’t stop for anybody.

I cannot change yesterday, but I can change today.

To live means to constantly struggle and continually win.

Lost time is never found again.

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Luck is great, but most of life is hard work.

The way to know life is to love many things.

No expectations. No disappointments.

Life is not measured by breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

Sometimes the best moments in life are the ones you don’t tell anyone about.

Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy.

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.

If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.

The human soul needs actual beauty more than bread.

Life seems to us easy when it comes to others.

There is always something to be thankful for.

Awesome Life Caption for Instagram

Earn People rather than money. People will remember you, but money will not.

The truth is rarely pure and never simple.

Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of others.

A well written life is almost as rare as a well spent one.

Sometimes it’s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever.

Sometimes life is too complicated to understand.

The pain of today is the victory of tomorrow.

Live today, for tomorrow it will all be history.

To live means to constantly struggle and continually win.

Tough times never last but tough people do.

As long as you live, keep learning how to live.

Life is too short to do the things you don’t love doing.

Love is life. If you miss love, you miss life.

Be yourself! You’re not born to impress anyone.

There are two types of pain in this world. Pain that hurts you. Pain that changes you.

Sometimes the things we change end up changing us.

When life gets harder challenge yourself to be stronger.

Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith.

Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay.

The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.

The burden which is well borne becomes light.

Your life is worth much more than gold.

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Live life to the fullest and focus on the positive.

It’s your life. Don’t let others tell you how to live it!

Happiness is not ready made it comes by our own actions.

Do what you need to do and enjoy life as it happens.

Focus on what matters and let go of what doesn’t.

Only when it is dark enough, can you see the stars.

Life is the greatest mystery. You never know where it will take you and when it will end.

Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.

Dreams don’t work unless you do.

Success always hugs you in private, but failure always slaps you in the public!

You can do anything, but not everything.

“Success” all depends on the second letter.

We were born to be real not perfect in our life.

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

Constant complainers are constantly unhappy.

Be too busy to have time for regrets.

Love in life, makes the life beautiful.

The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships.

“If people talk about you, you shouldn’t be sad. You must be pretty special if they use their time talking about you.”

“I feel like I have a new life and I’m going to take full advantage of it.”

“Life is too short to stress yourself with people who don’t even deserve to be an issue in your life.”

“Life is beautiful. Be Aware of it. life is full of wonder Notice it..life is amazing to Appreciate it.”

“You Can’t Start the Next Chapter of Your Life If You Keep Re-Reading The Last One.”

Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future.

“Life is made of ever so many partings welded together.”

“Sometimes, you just have to do some stupid things in life to find out who are the ones who will stay on and accept you.”

“Don’t just go through life, grow through life.”

A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.

positive life status

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.”

“When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.”

“Don’t trust too much, don’t hope too much because that “too much” can hurt you so much.”

“If you want a new life, first give praise for having the old one.”

“Silence is the most powerful scream.”

“Success always hugs you in private but failure always slaps you in the public! That’s life.”

“Pray, not to ask God for what you need, but to thank god for what you have. For he knows what you need and when you need it!”

“What people say to your face is not a problem. The problem is what they say behind your back.”

“Remember it’s just a bad day, not a bad life.”

Life Captions

“One Day, Someone Will Walk Into Your Life and make you see why it never worked out with anyone else.”

“Sometimes, people don’t notice the things we do for them until we stop doing it.”

Life isn’t always sunshine and butterflies. Sometimes you got to learn to smile through the pain.

Even a dead clock shows correct time twice a day. Be Positive.

Life doesn’t give you what you want. It gives you what you work for.

Perfect decision is when your heart and mind both convince for it.

The art of living is in living with a perspective.

Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

We’re just trying to find some colour in this black & white world.

Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Forget your age and live your life.

In order for your life to be great, you must first learn to appreciate it.

Life is a data pack, use every GB completely.

Life is a series of disappointments broken only by dark spells of depression.

The secret of life is low expectations!

Don’t dream your life, live your dream.

Hate comes from intimidation, love comes from appreciation.

The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.

Life is just a bowl of cherries.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Life without meaning is a life without meaning.

That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet.

Live each day as if it’s your last.

Life is too short to waste on hating other people.

My silence is just another word for my pain.

“Life is the first gift, love is the second, and understanding the third.”

Forget the day’s troubles remember the day’s blessings.

Life is short, time is fast. No replay, no rewind. So enjoy every moment as it comes.

Enjoy life to be healthy.

Change the world by being yourself.

Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.

Life is just a journey.

Life is like an ice cream, enjoy it before it melts.

Enjoy life. It comes with expiry date.

Die with memories, not dreams.

Spending today, complaining about yesterday won’t make tomorrow any better.

Life is like a roller coaster, live it, be happy, enjoy life.

The greatest and the most divine feature of the man is the ability to forgive and pity.

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